What is a Bulging Disc? | The Truth About Slip Discs

by | Sep 30, 2023 | Bulging Disc, Lower Back, Posture, Spine

You may have heard people talk about having “slip discs” in their spine, causing pain and discomfort. However, this term can be misleading and doesn’t accurately represent what’s happening in your spine. In this blog post, we’ll debunk the myth of “slip discs” and shed light on what’s really going on when you experience disc-related issues in your back.

Understanding the Spinal Structure:

To grasp why the term “slip disc” is inaccurate, we must first understand the structure of our spine. Our spine consists of vertebrae (bone) and intervertebral discs (cartilage with fluid content). This entire structure is continuous and held together by ligaments and soft tissue.

The Myth of “Slip Discs”:

The notion of a disc slipping out of place and causing pain is a misconception. Unlike a Jenga game, where wooden blocks are separate entities, the vertebrae and discs in our spine are interconnected and form a continuous sheath. They don’t just “slip” out of position like independent objects.

The Reality: Bulging Discs:

What’s more accurate is the concept of a “bulging disc.” Over time, poor posture, forward-leaning habits, or other factors can lead to uneven pressure on the discs. This uneven pressure may cause the disc to change shape, similar to how a balloon leans when pressed from one side. This altered shape can push the disc material against nearby nerves, resulting in pain and discomfort.

The Importance of Posture:

Maintaining good posture is crucial for preventing disc-related issues. When we have poor posture, such as leaning forward excessively, it creates uneven pressure on the discs, increasing the risk of them bulging and pressing on nerves. Proper alignment and posture distribute pressure evenly across the discs, helping them maintain their natural shape.

Balancing Pressure:

Think of the discs like balloons squeezed between two plates. If one plate has more pressure, the balloon will shift in that direction. Similarly, proper posture and spinal alignment ensure an equal distribution of pressure across the discs, reducing the likelihood of bulging.


The concept of “slip discs” is a misnomer and doesn’t accurately represent what happens in your spine. Instead, it’s more appropriate to refer to disc-related issues as “bulging discs.” Understanding the importance of posture and spinal alignment can help you prevent these issues by ensuring that pressure remains evenly distributed across the discs. So, the next time you hear about “slip discs,” remember the truth about spinal anatomy and the importance of maintaining good posture for a healthy spine.

Dr. Nathan Wooten

Dr. Nathan Prescott

With over 16 years of experience and 60k+ patients adjusted, Dr. Wooten is a seasoned chiropractor with a background in physical therapy. His passion for understanding the body’s intricacies started early, driving his commitment to fostering trust with patients.

Driven to alleviate symptoms through chiropractic care, he’s dedicated to helping people of all ages. Beyond the clinic, he’s an adventure enthusiast, residing in the countryside with his wife, three dogs, and a wild menagerie.

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